f you found a way to take your AdVenture Capitalist money into the real world and were a trillion trillion times richer then everyone else in the world put together what would be so of the things you would do..
BTW you dont have to take all of it out at once to drop the world $ value to zero.. you can take however much or little you feel..
I would try to buy up a large percentage of the world gold and daimond to keep my moneys value high..
I would take maybe a few 100 Billion or a few Trillion out and Buy things like world vision and try and reform as many of the 3rd world countrys to the best I can by building industry and fixing up the soil for farming etc (Not sure what the word is that I am looking for)
Probably also buy a few kickstarter companys that have sustainable ideas that will help the planet But are underfunded.