Has anybody done any research into the way combat works? I would guess that each attack one will get hit and one will block. That is why you pendulum with 5 hits, and the shake will determine the 5. That way even if they are all single hits then one will still win.
This results in weird situations like getting two out of the first three on some burst mode digimon and winning at champion level, but then later at ultimate after at least 200 megahits you can still lose to rookies.
I really am not sure there is any way to have 100% win rate over more than maybe 15 rounds without obscene amounts of training.
pandamerica Avatarpandamerica
Mar 14, 2013 at 7:05amQuote
As pointed out earlier in some other posts, evolution stage does not seem to matter in terms of battle strength. The only thing that matters is the amount of training you have done. Not forgetting that after evolving, only half of your training is carried over.
On my next reset, I'll like to try training for over 500+ times, or maybe a thousand, to see how far I'll be able to keep a 100% win rate. My current Sunflowmon managed 15 wins before losing once. We'll see how that goes. *EDIT* I'll try it out if I manage to evolve to Rosemon since I'll be needing a 100 wins.
About battling, I'll say it's still better to perform megahits rather than just single, mainly because you win in just 2 dodges rather than 3.
iroasura Avatariroasura
Mar 14, 2013 at 10:27amQuote
Any of guys tried tapping for megahits or blocks in a battle? It works kinda sorta. Then again it really boils down to which trainer has more training counts. That explains how some rookies slap some peeepee vs champs or ultimates... or more embarrassingly a mega. Trust me it happens... So grind them classics or pendulums HARD!!
pandamerica Avatarpandamerica
Mar 14, 2013 at 10:30amQuote
Oh wow, that brings back memories. I used to repetitively tap ABB,ABB,AC or something like that back in primary school during battles.
Read more: http://digimonunlimited.proboards.com/thread/238#ixzz2nXEBTFwX