100 words about
What's your favourite hobby?
Can you write us an article describing your favourite hobby?
- Why do you enjoy it?
- What advice would you give to someone starting it?
Your article should consist of
-an interesting title
-an introduction which clearly presents the topic
- a main body of two or more paragraphs which develops the theme
- a conclusion which summarises the main points
180-200 words
A. N. at 09:21
only_once20 November 2012 22:20
I think that hobby is important thing in our life. At the moment we have a lot of hobbies which are very modern and popular. For example photography, theatre, reading, collecting marks or doing videos. It seems to me that hobby is the greatest thing in people’s life.
Let’s start with my hobby. My hobby is cooking. I love to cook and experiment with some products. It’s very funny and exacting. In my opinion, a lot of people like cooking but a little people do it as a hobby, because you must have a talent. Another advantage of cooking is that you must not do everything that is written in cookery books. On the other hand, cooking is a very good hobby, because you use a lot of qualified products and there are no chemicals.
It seems to me that having such a hobby at my age cooking is very good, as it will be an advantage in future for me, because I will cook qualified and healthy food for my husband and children. And nowadays I know what I will cook for my family.
To sum up, I believe that everyone needs some hobby to relax and in order not to waste time on unimportant and unnecessary things.
Diana Oleinik25 November 2012 15:05
P.S. I forgot to write the title. Sorry :)
Cooking is the best hobby!
apple22 November 2012 00:56
Music is a hobby too.
Firstly, I would like to say how I understand what hobby is. On my opinion, a hobby is something that you enjoy doing, something that brings relief of the daily grind and allows you to relax. So why not call music as a hobby? Many people turn to music as their form of release. That is why I love it. Music is among the most popular of all hobbies. There are several different ways to enjoy music as your hobby. Even if you can't play a single note, music is powerful enough to clean any limitations that you may place on yourself.
Some music fans find that playing an instrument is not so interesting, so they try to collect as many instruments as they could. Even if you don't play a particular instrument, having it in part of your collection is still outstanding. For example, how many people you know that have drums and never play it. Many of us know somebody like that. Drums could be used not only as a musical instrument, but also as a beautiful piece of décor
When you discover an artist or musician that you satisfies, it's clear that you want to collect all of their works. A music collection is a great hobby to have. Not only listening to music and enjoying it are the main focuses, but the collection itself is something that will continue to grow and thrive throughout the years.