ToughSwitch does not appear to handle VLAN Trunking.
E=Exempt (i.e. corresponding VLAN does not pass through this port)
T=Tagged (i.e. as data passes through this port packets are tagged with corresponding VLAN tag)
U=Untagged (i.e. as data passes through this port with the corresponding VLAN tag, it is stripped off)
We need VLAN 'Trunking'. Since T is already used, maybe P=Passthrough (i.e. data passes through this port for the corresponding VLAN but the tag is left unchanged)
Please can you review a firmware upgrade to provide this feature ASAP ?
If it is to adhere to most other implementations, it may be good to have a 'default vlan' too which is the tag added to any passing packets with no tag applied.
Can I suggest you review the CISCO implementation since this is the most common.