3.2. OCP and potentiodynamic polarization studies
Values of the OCP for pure zinc and its alloys in 10 M
NaOH and in solution containing inhibitor and complexing
agents are given in Tables 2 to 5. The OCP of pure zinc varies
from - 1402 to - 1436 mV. It is notable that zinc containing
0.5 wt.% Hg displays a higher OCP than that with 1 wt.% Hg
in all the test solutions. In this case, the maximum values of
OCP are - 1443 and - 1436 mV for alloys containing 0.5
and 1 wt.% Hg, respectively. The other ternary alloys,
namely, Zn + 0.01 wt.% Mg + 0.01 wt.% Pb, Zn + 0.01 wt.%
Mg+0.01 wt.% A1 and Zn+0.01 wt.% AI+0.01 wt.% Pb,
have a maximum OCP of - 1415 mV and a minimum OCP
of - 1403 mV.