National police chief Adul Saengsingkaew yesterday urged police to hunt down a Toyota pickup truck used by suspects in an early morning attack on Passanoch Hautavanija, assistant to Democrat MP and former finance minister, Korn Chatikavanij.
Adul said it was reported that the vehicle carried the licence number "Kor Khor 5272". Investigations have found that there are 31 vehicles bearing the same licence plate, three of which are in other provinces.
Police will summon the owners of the vehicles to help with their investigations and will also check CCTV footage of the area during the time of the attack, he added.
Passanoch, 35, was attacked at around 3am by two men while eating at a noodle shop in Silom. He had been taking part in an anti-government rally near Samsen Railway Station. The attackers then fled in the pickup. Passanoch sustained head and face injuries that required a total of 20 stitches. He was rushed to Chulalongkorn Hospital by passers-by.