2314 Apt. #1, Beltrami Ave.
Bemidji, MN 10660
September 28, 2007
Mr. Dominic Philips
Vice President Human Resources
Universal Tire Corporation
2000 Park Drive
Grand Rapids, MI 49525
Dear Mr. Philips,
As I was leaving your office yesterday, I
was reflecting upon how much I enjoyed meeting
with you and learning more about Universal Ti
re Corporation. I appreciate the time you
spent with me discussing your opening
for an Outside Sales Representative.
I believe my internship with Shemax, In
c. and my educational background in Marketing
and Business Administration make me an ex
cellent candidate for the position. You
mentioned the importance of having an outgoing pers
on with a lot of initiative. I feel that
my experience in using my marketing, comm
unication and customer service skills would
exceed your expectations if given the chance.
I was also very impressed wi
th Universal Tire’s commitm
ent to investing in your
employee’s future though the Tuition Reimbur
sement Program you mentioned. I look
forward to hearing from soon. In the meantim
e, please call me at 271-3162 if there is any
additional information I can provide
to help you in your decision.
Mary Johnson
Mary Johnson