I see earth. it's so beautiful ! 'these are the first words spoken by a human in space. On 12 april 1961 yuri gagarin become the first hunan in space when he flew around the earth in a spacecraft called vostok1 . He was only twenty-seven at the time. The spacecraft flew at a speed of over 27,000 kilometres an hour; more thab 300 kilometres abovw the earth. The flight lasted 108 minutes. .. He never went into space again , but he helped train other astronauts until less than uts until he died in a plane crash in 1968. There were six vostok flights. while the first lasted less than two hours, vostok2 stayed in space for more than twenty-five hours. it flew around the earth seventeen tereshkova, into space on 16 june 1963. no one was certain if the astronauts who went on these flights would come back alive . but they did, and our ideas about space were changed forever