Use of either prescribed or nonprescribed stimulants is a
growing problem in young adults. The most commonly
reported reason is to “stay awake to study” or increase
concentration. 44 Students may utilize these drugs more
than age-matched non-students. 45 A survey at 119 colleges
and universities across the US found a 6.9% lifetime
prevalence for the use of stimulants. 46 Other studies show
prevalence as high as 14%. 44,47 Men are more likely than
women to use stimulants, as well as caffeine and energy
drinks. Nonprescribed use of stimulants is associated with
increased use of alcohol, cocaine, and marijuana. 46 Not all
stimulant use is illicit, as between 2%–8% of college students’
self-reported symptoms are consistent with attention deficit
hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). 48 However, when parents of
college students were asked to report such symptoms in their