Analytical procedures
Descriptive statistics were studied first with
focus on mean and correlations. Next, the
construct structures were confirmed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) with LISREL
8.54 (Jo¨reskog and So¨rbom, 2003). Covariance
matrix was used as input and maximum
likelihood method was used for estimation
procedures. Finally, a structural equation
model was estimated to explore the relations
between ethical values and attitude towards
consuming organic food on one hand, and
attitude and intention to consume organic food
on the other.
The traditional x
was reported as a fit
measure, although it is quite sensitive to large
sample size. We therefore chose to report
three additional fit measures: root mean square
error of approximation (RMSEA), goodness of
fit index (GFI) and comparative fit index (CFI).
Acceptable models should have an insignificant x