2.3. Proximate composition
The proximate composition of fresh mushrooms and culinary
products was determined according to the AOAC. (2005) method.
The dry matter was estimated by drying at 105 C (930.04), the
crude protein (N 4.38) was estimated by the Kjeldahl method
(978.04), the crude fat was determined by extracting a sample with
diethyl ether in a Soxhlet apparatus (920.39) and the ash content
was determined by incineration at 485 C (920.05). Total carbohydrates
were calculated by difference using the formula: Total
carbohydrates ¼ (g dry weight) e (g crude protein) e (g fat) e (g
mineral salts). The energy value was calculated using the formula:
Energy (kJ) ¼ 17 (g raw protein) þ 15 (g total
carbohydrates) þ 38 (g fat).