Arianna is a happy go lucky and easy going little toddler! She goes with the flow from her three brothers' lead and pace day to day! Arianna really retains things quickly. She catches onto songs and acting and she even puts on little performances for us! Arianna sings and acts out the song “Let it go” from the Disney Movie, Frozen….and we all melt! She’s very caring and sympathetic towards her brothers. If one of the other children get a bump or thump, she’s the first one to give the injured a hug and kiss. Arianna loves animals too! She absolutely loves it when Anthony brings Gretta out of his room to visit her! Some thing funny about Arianna is that her nickname is “Cheeks”! She earned her nickname when she was a baby because she had chubby little cheeks. As a result, she answers to both her name and nickname. We didn’t anticipate this happening!! Arianna also loves stories, songs, and dancing! She just started doing manipulative play and she now cares for her “babies” or baby dolls. Sometimes Arianna needs to be reminded to “use her words” when she gets frustrated, as all toddlers, but she is speaking in sentences now and even makes some funny jokes! The triplets at this age are trying to develop their language but they also have their own way to communicate with one another, which sometimes may involve yelling! For the most part, Arianna and her brothers are communicating well when they are engaged in an activity and playing with an adult.