This aims of study are to investigate on physics classroom learning environments, student’s perceptions of their actual and preferred classes were assessed, and associations between students’ perceptions to their attitudes were associated with a sample size of 108 upper secondary educational physics students in 3 classes at Grade 10 in Chiangyuenpittayakom School, Mahasarakham Province in Thailand. Student’ perceptions of their actual (assesses the class as it actually is) and preferred (asks the student what they would prefer their class to be like- the ideal situation) were assessed and compared with the international classroom learning environment instrument perceptions were obtained of the 25-item My class Inventory (original modified from the MCI) (Fish and Fraser, 1981). To associate on student’ atitudes with a short version of the Test of Physics-Related Attitude (original modified from the Test Of Physics-Related Attitude) (Fraser,1981) that they were translated into Thai language for administrating research methodology. Statistically Significant differences were found between the students’ perceptions of actual and preferred physics classroom learning environment also were found. Crobach’s alpha reliability coeffcients for the scales were adequate (0.65-0.89), while confirmatory factor analyses provided support for the theoretical framework behind the questionnaire (0.42-0.83 omitted). The multiple correlation R2 is significant for the MCI and considered associations with the Attiude scale, and value indicates that 52% of the variance in student ‘attitude were also determined. Based on findings, suggestions for improving the physics classroom learning environments with student’s perceptions are provided, interestingly.
Keywords: My class Inventory (MCI), Students, Physics classroom, Learning