THE CHILD-ARTAESTHETIC The psychology of child art is closely related to its aesthetic value, yet the art of children has long been considered trivial and out of the aesthetic as infants were once regarded as incomplet adults, as an incomplete or flawed version of adult art. The notion that child art possesses a self-sufficient grew out of a fundamental change in our doctrine of the human person. It dawned on us that person early: person is anyone who can with the shape according to his or her needs in judgment and behavior is, of course, important goal of education, but that goal should obscure the values behavior stage of human growth and development. puts the Being" well as "fact of Becoming." He maintains children don't live for the sake of far goals or for the dis that "Healthy We would add They are living, not preparing to live tant that making art Our willingness to see young person's drawing of house, a landscape grew out of two rather startling new ideas First was the notion that a child's artwork conveys information that is cog nitively valid for everyone, not just other realiza tion that a child's testifies to the existence of a mar or logic which is defensible as it is real that has undergone mental processing the course The fact that this fades with the onset of maturity does not diminish its legitimacy in the work the child creates. Now what is the character of that logic what are the main features of the child-art reasoning behind them?