EpicClix achieves 1 year soon.
Hello member,
First of all, I am sorry for the PayPal limitation.
I think PayPal will not release the limitation, and site should continue with Payza and BitCoin.
While site has been growing fast, the PayPal limitation was happened.
So, I was really disappointed and lose my passion little bit.
But still lots of members have trust and faith on the site,
I have to cheer up for our members.
There was a bad news, but good news comes too.
Site will achieve 1 year soon.
From today to birthday, there will be big promotions.
Click here "EpicClix 1 year promotion!!!"
This promotions will make our members happy and support site financially.
The pending payment will be faster when the promotions are successful.
Hope our members participation on the promotions.
Thank you.