Toyota’s customers are very diverse and they range from the low income earners to the very rich. They are widespread around the world. Toyota has catered for all car needs that may arise for any individual with their wide range of motor vehicles. They range from small sports cars to big family vehicles and trucks as well as vans. The customers comprise a varied group of people, with differing ages, incomes, geographical locations, and social and cultural statuses. Customers go for Toyota products to satisfy different wants and needs. Low income earners are provided with a basic mode of transportation that is both within their price range and efficient. Clients going for class andel egance are also catered for.Customers purchase Toyota products on individual basis according to their specific needs.In some cases we have organizations purchasing cars for their firm’s usage or for their employees.In such a case, the product buyer and purchaser is not actually the product user. Once individuals purchase the company’s product, there is an increased exposure to its other products. Productawareness is enhanced through advertisements, newsletters, website information, and other informational sources. The opportunity for Toyota to generate income from complimentary products such as books and seminars by members is very big.