Thank you- you give me a lot to meditate on. I will be changing my website later this year and will make changes that take your suggestions into account. I am a Buddhist, and do not believe in the Buddha for decoration, but for practice of the Dharma.
Also understand, Many of my customers start thinking they want one Buddha for decoration- ten years later they have 50 Buddhas and are medtating every day- I share books on Buddhism (Theravadan) and share my own teachers teachings. My teacher studied with Ajaan Chah in Thailand, and now spread Buddhism in the USA. I also give hundreds of amulets and Buddhas to monks in USA, and over $25,000 to meditation centers in donation.
I will donate my collection to US Buddhist temples when I die.
Please give me time to make changes- cannot change site myself and have no programmer right now.
Steven Finkelman
Owner, The Buddha Gallery