Saphenous nerve – with the patient supine and the leg externally rotated, the tibial tuberosity is identified at the knee and 10 ml of local anaesthetic injected subcutaneously from the tibial tuberosity towards the medial tibial condyle. The saphenous nerve can also be blocked by infiltration on either side of the saphenous vein anterior to the medial malleolus at the ankle.
Deep peroneal nerve – 2–3 cm distal to the inter-malleolar line palpate the extensor hallucis longus tendon (dorsiflexion of the big toe); lateral to this is the dorsalis pedis artery. Insert a 23–25 G needle just medial/lateral to the artery until bony contact is made. Withdraw it slightly, injecting 2 ml of local anaesthetic either side of the artery.
Superficial peroneal nerves – after blocking the deep peroneal nerve, infiltrate 10 ml of local anaesthetic laterally and/or medially at the plantar junction of the foot to block the medial and lateral divisions (medially for first, second and third toes, laterally for fourth and fifth toes).
Tibial nerve – draw a line from the medial malleolus to the posterior inferior calcaneus and palpate the posterior tibial artery. Insert a 22 G 50 mm insulated needle just behind the artery, advancing it until either stimulation or paraesthesia is elicited. If bone is encountered, withdraw slightly, injecting 6–10 ml of local anaesthetic.
Sural nerve – using a 23–25 G, 50 mm needle, inject 5 ml of local anaesthetic subcutaneously between the lateral malleolus and the lateral border of the Achilles’ tendon.
Digital nerves
Metatarsal approach: palpate the metatarsophalangeal joint, at a point 2 cm proximal. A 23–25 G needle is inserted either side of the metatarsal advancing to the plantar aspect of the foot. As the needle is withdrawn, 4–6 ml of local anaesthetic is injected on either side.
Digital approach: a 23–25 G needle is inserted just distal to the metatarsophalangeal joint, advancing to the plantar aspect of the bone. 1–3 ml of local anaesthetic is injected on either side as the needle is withdrawn.
Web space: a 23 G, 25 mm needle is inserted in the web space to a depth just proximal to the metatarsophalangeal joint. 4–6 ml of local anasethetic is injected into the web space and the site is massaged to aid spread and effect.