That Chu Feng, is really bold, dares to kill my Chu Celestial Clan
person, thinks that also knows, my Chu Celestial Clan, no matter I and others in the life of Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm clansman, therefore dares so recklessly the unseemly behavior.”
„Was a pity that he does not know, brother Chu Luyang in this Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm, already in addition sought the backer, that is Sunset Cloud Valley.”
„Now that Chu Feng, fell in Sunset Cloud Valley, was difficult to run away mostly dies, he was also reaped what has been sown, really got what one deserves.”
Hears this words, the Chu family people all for it great happiness, resembles, heard the Chu Feng executed news is ordinary.
Pours that Chu Luotang to be calm, has not been setting the conclusion anxiously, but continues to ask: „That Chu Feng now how, but had been executed by Sunset Cloud Valley?”
„Not.” The black clothed man said.
„Hadn't Chu Feng been executed unexpectedly?” Hears this words, the Chu Celestial Clan people, immediately the look stagnates, the smiling face on face, at this moment is all coagulating.
„If the hearsay is real, then the Sunset Cloud Valley person rushes on the same day promptly, should witness Chu Feng to kill Chu Luyang with own eyes, the conclusive evidence, Sunset Cloud Valley is also keeping him? Does the Sunset Cloud Valley law enforcement department, why eat?”
Chu Luotang is very angry saying, he cannot think through, Sunset Cloud Valley is also keeping why the Chu Feng life.
„Returns to the Sir, specific reason, small is not clear, but on Sunset Cloud Valley, has handed down a news.” The black clothed man said.
„What news?” Chu Luotang asked.
„Sunset Cloud Valley declared that on the same day Chu Feng cuts to kill Ying Liangchen has reason, is Ying Liangchen damn, if Ying Celestial Clan insists on coping with Chu Feng, Sunset Cloud Valley is willing to be Chu Feng, declares war to Ying Celestial Clan.” The black clothed man said.
Such remarks, just like liking a sudden thunderclap, Chu Celestial Clan all people, felt that the head has blasted, some bearing capacity weak juniors, are the body one soft, sat down exhausted directly on the ground.
What's the matter?
Isn't Sunset Cloud Valley the Chu Luyang backer?
How Chu Feng has killed Chu Luyang, Sunset Cloud Valley is not Chu Luyang revenges, instead supports for that Chu Feng?
What situation is this?
At once, the Chu Celestial Clan people were scared, the reason that really cannot find out the matter, only felt that own mind, was stimulated enormously.
„Was Sunset Cloud Valley insane? Unexpectedly can for Chu Feng, make war with Ying Celestial Clan?”
„Sunset Cloud Valley is deep in the Hundred Refining Ordinary Realm inside story, but Ying Celestial Clan also not a weakling, their two influences make war, is mutually wounded.”
„Sunset Cloud Valley is willing for an original manuscript irregular person, to make war with Ying Celestial Clan unexpectedly, were they the head are kicked by the donkey?” Clenching jaws of Chu Luotang air/Qi, shouts loudly.
„Sir, incessantly is Sunset Cloud Valley, this news, is Sunset Cloud Valley and San Xing Palace Hall sends out jointly, San Xing Palace Hall must be Chu Feng supports.” The black clothed man continues to say.
„San Xing Palace Hall? Can San Xing Palace Hall also help that Chu Feng unexpectedly?”
Hears this words, by the Chu Celestial Clan people of attack, immediately again had been seriously battered.