Mannavuoma. 31/01/2013; Norrbotten; 705 ha; 68°28'N 022°20'E. The site is characterized by tundra wetlands and palsa mires, forested and non-forested peatlands, permanent rivers, marshes and pools, all representative examples of natural wetland types in the northern part of the EU Boreal region. The site supports bird species included in Annex I of the EU Bird Directive such as Red-necked Phalarope Phalaropus lobatus and Eurasian Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria. The well-developed bog areas contribute to carbon sequestration. Land use is dedicated to reindeer grazing. No threats to the site's ecological character have been identified. The site is situated in a part of the country almost inaccessible with large areas surrounded by water resulting in a natural protection. Ramsar Site no. 2172. Most recent RIS: 2013.