Tenderers are required to detail a rolling stock plan that explains their approach for the deployment and maintenance of rolling stock. Tenderers are required to propose a depot and maintenance plan for the servicing, repairing and light maintenance of the proposed rolling stock fleet and to provide details of the timing of periodic and heavy maintenance over the MRT Yellow Line Project, Lat Phrao to Samrong Operations and Maintenance Services Contract, Tenderers should also consider strategies that enable turn-round staff to conduct inspections and minor repairs to fixtures and fittings. Where Tenderers are proposing the use of sub-operators to undertake maintenance or depot responsibilities, this should be detailed including consequent contract management arrangements. This strategy should describe how Tenderers would structure the depot in terms of staffing and staff responsibilities. Expected reliability targets should be provided on a yearly basis. As a minimum Tenderers are required to present the anticipated mean distance between failures which cause delays of five minutes or more. Tenderers should identify the linkage between the depot and maintenance plan and delivery of fleet availability and reliability requirements and any changes required to the existing activities/regimes to meet the proposed targets.