5.3. Analysis results
Fig. 11–15 compare elastic response for each container model
subjected to Loading Scenarios 1–5. Fig. 18 presents a stress plot
and yield location for model M4 when subjected to Loading Scenario
4. A more detailed discussion of modeling and analysis results
can be found in Giriunas.
For Loading Scenario 1 (Fig. 13) the removal of sidewalls or the
roof did not have an effect on the maximum applied loading values.
For the unmodified container model (M1), the calculated yield axial
load of 942 kN was very close to the 942 kN specified in ISO
1496-1 (Fig. 3). The end walls under Loading Scenario 1 were
the most critical load resisting components, and were more effective
at carrying the loads than the sidewalls. The single end wall