Vincent and I have reviewed and discussed your performance. We regret that we have to come to the decision to extend your probation.
As you are well aware. You are employed for a very senior position. We expect that you can provide leadership, direction and strategy. It is correct that you have provided a HR work plan. Unfortunately, you haven't been able to deliver meaningful and constructive content. Every month, the steering committee has to spend hours to meet with you in order to steer you to the correct direction, strategy and content. Here are a few examples to show you why we think it is not satisfactory.
1) Setting KPI:
You suggest to set a KPI of 60 days for general recruitment and 90 days for difficult positions. You fail to explain why you arrive at such KPI and why you think this is appropriate. Setting KPI is an important task as it will be used for performance measurement. We cannot just pick a number, without having a rationale behind.