1.1 Media
Three culture media were tested: (1) A synthetic one
containing whey as a byproduct of dairy farm activity:
sweet whey powder was used, reconstituted to achieve
the required lactose concentration. (2) A synthetic dairy
wastewater solution of milk diluted in water: there is a variability
of dairy wastewater depending on the considered
industrial site and the manufactured products. However,
even if the effluent characteristics varied with time (flow
rates, loads, pH, fat etc.), the mean composition remains
close to that of milk, taking into account the dilution
factor. The model effluent used in this work was based on
commercial milk sterilized by high temperature treatment
(UHT). Semi-skimmed milk diluted 40 times with tap
water to achieve characteristics which are in the range of
values measured on the usual dairy wastewaters, namely
about 1.25 g/L of total sugars.