Hello ladies. I have just received a positive result. 2nd hCG blood tests done today. My husband and I are over the moon!
I am happy to share my experience of treatment with 'Team Miracle'. (Dr Firdevs, Umit and Julie, plus their embryologist, nurses, etc.)
There is so much to think about when you are going through this process, I understand that. But I just want to help quell any fears about Team Miracle. Firstly, if you have booked with them for treatment, and you are concerned because of the move, please don't worry. If you were dealing with a medical procedure in the UK (or wherever you're from) and they told you they were going to operate on you at a different hospital, 15 mins further away than the original one, would it bother you? Probably not, right? It's just because it IS a daunting process, in a foreign country, and if you're anything like me, it's hard not having control over it! I have lived in Cyprus for almost three years now, and I can tell you, it's far more laid-back over here. Once I put aside my 'Britishness', I actually started to really enjoy the more casual way of doing things. So, my advice would be to let go of the control a little bit. Try to actually enjoy the process. Cyprus is a lovely place, and it has the added bonus of sunshine! Not to mention that Team Miracle are amazing at what they do. Making babies is not just their business...it is what they excel at. Leave it to the professionals and soak up the sun and relax.
My treatment was at Dogus, but I've just been to the Famagusta hospital today to see Umit and Dr F. It is lovely! Very modern and friendly, and seems to be better equipped technologically and medically. So add that to the fact that you have their expertise, and what's to be concerned about?
If you are booking a package deal, the transport to and from appointments will still be organised as it would have been when Team Miracle were operating out of Dogus. You will just spend an extra 15 or 20 minutes getting there.
I have had treatment in the UK, and twice with Team Miracle. I will honestly say, hand on heart, that whilst I was treated wonderfully in both places, I felt less like a patient with Team Miracle and more like a friend.
Sorry for ranting, but I really feel like we (and I'm totally including myself in that!) can sometimes get caught up in details which actually stress us out, instead of just letting the professionals do their job.
I wish you all the very best of luck with your treatment and am happy to answer any queries if I can help.
Liesa x