III. Data & Definitions
There are two general types of income investigated in this analysis. The first is referred to as
market income, which represents income available to the working age population. Market
income includes income from employment earnings, self-employment earnings, investment,
employment insurance, and provincial supplements which include social assistance.3 The second
income type is referred to as retirement income, which represents income available exclusively
to the elderly. Retirement income includes income from C/QPP, OAS, the GIS/Allowance,
RRSPs, and private pension plans.4
C/QPP is a contributory pension that is related to an individual’s lifetime earnings. Although
there are no special provisions for immigrants, their benefits will be directly related to the length
of time they have worked in Canada. To qualify an individual must have made a minimum of
one valid contribution to the Plan and be at least 65 years of age. It is possible to qualify for a
reduced pension between the ages of 60-64 if a person stops working or earns less than the
current monthly maximum C/QPP payment.
OAS is a non-contributory pension that is related to an individual’s years of residence in Canada.
It is available to Canadian Citizens, permanent residents (landed immigrants), and individuals
with a Minister’s permit who are 65 years of age or older and have a minimum of 10 years of
residence in Canada after reaching age 18. A full OAS pension is only available to those who