3.1. Description of the Transfer-PCR (TPCR) process
3.2. Application of TPCR for DNA cloning
3.3. Application of TPCR for multiple-site targeted mutagenesis
3. Results
Fig.1. Schematic presentation of the Transfer-PCR (TPCR) process. (A) TPCR for DNA cloning. The target gene for cloning is marked in blue. The donor and the recipient
plasmids are marked in green and brown, respectively. Primers are indicated by arrows that contain a gene-specific sequences at the 30 end (solid blue line) and a vectorspecific
sequences corresponding to the integration sites on the recipient vector, at the 50 end (solid brown line). Dashed blue line indicates formation of an amplification
product. (B) TPCR for protein engineering. The target gene for mutagenesis is marked in blue. Blue arrows indicate mutagenic primers with the mutation sites shown by red
stars. For both (A) and (B), red X over the plasmid indicates elimination of the wild-type (donor or parental) plasmid by DpnI treatment.
Fig.2. Analysis of TPCR reactions for DNA cloning. (A). Agarose gel analysis
following the TPCR reaction. 8 ll samples were loaded onto a 1% Agarose gel. The
concentration of each primer used in the reaction in nM is shown above the gel.Mis
molecular weight markers in base-pairs. (B). Plates obtained following transformation
of 10 ll DpnI-treated TPCR reactions for generation of pET28-IFNa8 lower
panel) and pACYCDuet-TFIIEa (upper panel). Numbers above the plates indicate the
concentration of each of the primer used for the TPCR reaction. (C) Bar-graph
illustrating the dependence of the number of colonies (Y-axis) obtained after the
TPCR reaction on the primer concentration used (X-axis). Blue and red bars indicate
colony number obtained for pET28-IFNa8 and pACYCDuet-TFIIEa, respectively. The
counting results are averaged over two repeated TPCR reactions.
Fig.3. (A) Structure of Calmodulin (CaM) (blue) bound to CaMKII (red) (PDB code
1CM1). Blue spheres represent calcium ions. (B) A model of a Gb1-based novel
binder (blue) interacting with the effector binding region of Ras (red). Positions of
CaM and Gb1 residues targeted for mutagenesis are numbered and shown as green