Feliza stooped and beat her flat chest with her knotted fists.
she shook convulsively,then spat out something red, very red.
what is that ? i asked.
she sat down and gurgled. Seeing that she had nothing to use, i got a glass from the kitchen shelf and handed it to her. she thanked me when her coughing ceased.
Father came out then. he asked what the matter was and reluctantly, i told him
Father said, Don't carry so heavy a load, Feliza. After all,ludovico is a big man and he can do that for you.Or is ludovico lazy?
ludovico reddened. no apo, he said softly, i am not lazy.
After they had gone, Father asked me if it was i was i who had givan the glass to feliza any of the things wa use.
onece, perched on ludovico shoulders, i asked him what would you want to be when you grow up?
he replied he was already almost a man like his father, but i insisted there must be something someone he would still want to be.