More importantly, please use this. It's a recovery item I got from the queen of the fairy."
"Sir Pendragon, right now we can't--"
"Please don't worry."
I stopped Princess Maryest who was about to say their [Overdose] states, let her grasp a crystal pendant and pushed its tip.
Of course, since it's merely an accessory, I use [Magic Power Transfer] right at that timing to recover her magic power.
I do the same with Priestess Loreiya and the preparation here is complete.
I head to Hero Hayato to help him.
After rescuing Lady Ringrande from an Emerald Golem that appeared out of nowhere, I stand beside the hero who's fighting the demon lord.
"I've kept you waiting, Hayato-sama."
"Is that you Satou, thanks for coming."
The hero has wounds all over his body, so I sprinkle mid magic potion to heal his external wounds.
I used recovery magic at the same time since the effect would be too weak otherwise.
"Allow me to help."
After telling so, I draw the fairy sword and stand beside him.
My level is public ally 50 so there should be no problem in joining this fight.
Moreover, there is something that I must do on the front line.
"I won't let Satou to steal all the spotlight."
Lady Ringrande takes up her [Lightning Great Sword] and stands on the opposite side.
Miss Wiyaryi is standing-by behind.
Looks like she's focused to be the support.
"Don't die."
"Yes, of course."
Like a willow, I parry all the attacks of the demon lord who came attacking on all fours like a mad beast, and prepare the backhands when the hero attacks.
The demon lord's movement is agile and tricky, so it's quite difficult not to overdo it.
"Satou! Don't steep in too far ahead! The demon lord attack can scoop your meat even if it misses y'know!"
"Yes, Hayato-sama."
I kept close to the demon lord since there was a little something I needed to do, but since the hero warned, I took some distance away.
I should make it in time from here if I'm just ready with Ground Shrink.
"F-fast! Leaving Hayato and the demon lord aside, I can't believe Satou can also move as fast...."
Since Lady Ringrande was very surprised, I move as if I evade the demon lord's attacks by accident while consciously keeping my speed at the level of an ordinary person.
It seemed difficult at a glance, but it's actually quite easy thanks to [Foresight: Antipersonnel Battle] skill.
Of course Lady Ringrande isn't only watching without doing anything.
She hindered the demon lord's movement using quickly chanted [Explosions] at good timings.
"Thank you for waiting!"
"Don't forget about me too."
Rusus and Fifi also participate to cut up the demon lord.
Unlike Lady Ringrande, the two who are pure warriors seem to be able to catch up to the demon lord's agile movement.
"Hook, line, and sinker~?"
"Chop chop nanodesu."
Starting with the beastkin girls, the girls gleefully exterminate the monsters who rushed inside the hall at the entrance.
It seems the Dungeon Master has ran out of bullets, there's no strong monster to be found anywhere.
"Satou, behind you!"
"Thank you, Wiyaryi-san."
I cut up the Dust Golem that appeared behind me using the fairy sword reinforced with Magic Edge.
The magic core that fell from the crumbling golem revives into an Ash Mud Golem.
It's probably a harassment from the Dungeon Master.
"Tsk, don't get in my way!"
The hero seems to be piling up stresses from this harassment.
Let's curtail it at the source.
"Tama, please collect the magic core."
"Nin nin~?"
When I muttered in whisper, a pink ninja that appeared from the shadow made a hand signal for, "Roger", and disappeared into the shadow.
Further, a Tama doll takes Tama's place fighting the monsters.