The Plymouth was wrapped in protective materials and lowered into a concrete vault, which was supposed to withstand even a nuclea attack. It lay there for 50 years. On June 13 2001, was opened, and the car was raised the as thousands of people watched. The organizer of the event said: "Ladies and gentlemen, l Unfortunately present you Miss Belvedere. the tomb was unable to protect the car from moisture, and the vintage vehicle was covered in rust. The contents of a"typical" woman's handbag in the glove compartment looked
recorded the names of the contestants found. There was a bit of disappointment that items were not in better condition. However, some items inside the time capsule were in good shape--they included a US flag and some historical documents, such as aerial maps of the city and postcards.
The good news is that when the Belvedere was unearthed, Teddy and Gene were still alive. They never thought they would be here to see present said, "It's our King it happen. Tut's tomb. It's like a fairy tale