There is a little concern to the working time of F&B and H/K department , may we change the operating time to in the afternoon , on Saturday 8th of Aug, 2015 .
So, May I kindly present you a draft of an agenda of the Buddhist Dharma for Associates Project , as the following ;
11.00 – 11.30 am : register for all participates
11.00 am : ascot 2 monks and 10 staff to the Rembrandt III / (or Rembrandt II ; depend on the numbers of associates who register in advance)
Food offerings to monks and some food for 10 staffs
12.00 hr : Introduction by the in house moderator : K. Ton / Training Mgr
12.05 : Mr. Eric Hallin gives the speech to open the event
12.15 : K. Ton introduces a moderator ; Ms . Acharapan ( Pa Ji / an actress and the owner of Agaligo Yoga , Cental Rama 9) to conduct the event.
12.20 : Pra Arjarn Thammatipo leads to the Dharma and Activities
14.30 : Q&A Dharma
15.00 pm : End the event