Appearance &conscious : A child Thai female, Looking ill, Good consciousness. Mild weakness,Well cooperated, no pale, no jaundice, no cyanosis.
Vital Signs : BP. = 107/69 mmHg. PR. = 88 t/min. (regular rhythm) RR. = 22 t/min.
T. = 38.2 0C nouv2077
Weight = 32 kg. Height = 130 cm. BMI = 18.93
Skin : Normal color for race , warn to touch, normal skin turgor, no spider nevi, no palmer erythemia, no ecchymosis, no abnormal pigmentation, no surgical scar or keloid, black hair, fine, normal distribution, no dandruff or nits, normal looking nails.
Head & Face : Symmetry , a traumatic , normal size and shape , no mass, no scar no tenderness, no seborrhea.
Eyes : Normal eyebrow, symmetry, conjunctiva pink color, no icteric sclera, no jaundice,eyelid no edema, no ptosis, normal vision filed, normal eye movements, pupils 2 mm. round and equal, R=L react to light and accommodation.
Nose : External normal configuration, symmetry, nasal mucosa mild red color, nasal septum in midline, no septum deviation, no tenderness, no erosion, no rhinorrhea, mucous clear, mucosa mild swelling.
Mouth : Normal lips , not pale or cyanosis, no angular stomatitis, buccal mucosa and gingival – pink , no coplik’s spot, gum no inflammation or bleeding, no dental caries or gingivitis, no ulcer, no swelling bleeding and discharge, tongue protrudes in midline, normal papillae, no glossitis.
Neck & Throat : Trachea midline, no deviation, thyroid gland – not enlarged, no abnormal mass no jugular venous engorgement, no tenderness, normal uvula position and movements, pharynx injection, tonsil not injection and no enlarge ,lymph node and thyroid not palpable and enlarged.
Axillaries : lymph node - not enlarged, no tenderness or swelling.
Chest :
Inspection : symmetrical chest walls, normal breathing movements.
Auscultation : normal breath sounds, no wheezing or crepitation.
Percussion : percussion resonant R=L
Palpation : Expansion full R = L, Tactile fremitus R=L
Inspection : no bulging.
Auscultation : normal heart sound, no murmur
Percussion : dull ness
Palpation : PMI at 5th ICS,MCL no thrills, pulse regular, peripheral pulse equal R=L (radial, brachial, popliteal, posterior tibial, dorsalis pedis)
Inspection : Midline trachea, normal breathing movements.
Auscultation : Normal breath sound.
Percussion : Normal resonance sound, not tender.
Palpation : Normal mediastinum, symmetrical tactile fremitus in areas.
Inspection : Flat shape, no scar and mass, no lesion, no distention, no dilated veins.
Auscultation : Bowel sound 6 t/min.
Percussion : Tympany generalized, no shifting dullness.
Palpation : Abdominal wall, soft, no tender, no guarding, no mass, liver and spleen not palpable.
Extremities & Reflex : Motor power grade V/V, both appeared lower extremities, sensory normal pain, touch temperature position and vibration senses, deep tendon reflex 2+ all, Babinski’s sign absent, no edema, no flapping tremor, no deformities.
Others : Consciousness alert well cooperated, CNI - XII normal.
1. Problem : Nasal mucosa mild red color, mucosa mild swelling, mucous clear, pharynx injection.