Table 1. What do you think an online induction programme should do (in relation to practical areas)?
Questions Average
Q 1.Allow students opportunities for some hands-on practice with the online learning tools (e.g. forums, wikis, video conferencing) 4.28
Q 2. Help students understand the requirements of the programme and the university regulations (e.g. assessments, deadlines,
grading system etc.)
Q 3. Help students understand what support is available from tutors/lecturers and how to approach them 4.48
Q 4. Introduce students to university support contacts (e.g. IT support, teaching and learning support) 3.99
Q 5. Help students understand expectations on how they should be approaching their postgraduate study (e.g. time management,
research-based skills, report writing)
Q 6. Introduce students to library services and how to access the library 4.41