To investigate the degree to which resource loading/leveling is
carried out in practice, respondents were thus asked to rank the extent
to which the programs they produce are resource-loaded and
leveled, using a scale of 1–5 (1 for never and 5 for always). The
analyzed results gave an average rank value of 1.7 each for resource
loading and leveling, meaning that programs developed are rarely
resource loaded or leveled. In fact, 80% of the respondents claimed
they seldom resource-load their programs. This is consistent with
the low extent to which manpower loading graphs are produced, as
one of the key planning deliverables (see Table 4). Only two interviewees
claimed that they occasionally do carry out resource loading
and that this is only done for some activities whose resourcerequirements can be determined easily. The rest gave reasons for
not resource-loading their programs as follows