Invoicing - Invoicing Accuracy
Customer felt invoice quality is - and has been - the biggest issue in our customer experience for quite some time. It is often brought up in customer interactions and on many occasions proves a roadblock to discussing more value adding, development activities.
Each wrong invoice takes time and effort to correct. With 12% of ocean freight invoices inaccurate this is a lot of inefficiency creeping into the customer experience.
By the end of 2013, our aspiration is to raise the customer felt invoice quality for our ocean freight invoices by roughly 4% points to 92%.
- Customer felt turn time
When you make a booking with your shipping partner, what you expect is for that booking, and all associated particulars, to be confirmed. We agree.
As such our aspiration is that when booking with Maersk Line, not only will your booking details be confirmed, this confirmation will also provide equipment and vessel space* for you to proceed with your logistics planning.
In 2013, for standard dry and reefer shipments we aim to confirm all bookings within two hours.
Accessibility - Calls answered within 30 seconds
When you make a booking with your shipping partner, what you expect is for that booking, and all associated particulars, to be confirmed. We agree.
As such our aspiration is that when booking with Maersk Line, not only will your booking details be confirmed, this confirmation will also provide equipment and vessel space* for you to proceed with your logistics planning.
In 2013, for standard dry and reefer shipments we aim to confirm all bookings within two hours.
Documentation - Amendment Turn Time
Changes to shipment documentation are bound to happen from time to time but often these changes are of a time sensitive nature.
What we hear is that when this is the case (as it often is) the ability to handle amendments timely and accurately makes a real difference to the downstream points in your supply chain.
It is a sad story to hear when the slow speed of documentation amendments prevents critical downstream processes taking place. The last thing you need is other department managers on your back.
While today most amendments are handled within three hours, our ambition is to deliver amendments back to you within one hour.
Service RecoveryIssue Resolution Turn Time
Whether we like it or not, shipping cargo all over the world is not without its challenges. Weather, mechanical breakdowns and a number of unpredictable events can impact your supply chain.
Sometimes things go wrong and when they do, the last thing you want is to be left in the dark about it. It’s not only for planning purposes. It brings down your day: never mind the fact something has happened to your cargo, not knowing about it is sometimes even worse.
To ensure you don’t face this when shipping with Maersk Line you should be able to expect timely and consistent issue resolution, including fast information and support.
Our credentials here are not strong, but the aspiration to a 12-hour issue resolution turn time (cutting off 42 hours from our baseline global performance) aims to fix this.
Pre-arrival Notification
What we hear from import customers is that timely and accurate pre-arrival notifications can be extremely valuable in reducing local logistics administration and idle time. This could be time spent on phone calls, email correspondence and other types of manual communication relating to the import process.
As such, it is essential that pre-arrival notifications are both timely and accurate for they often serve as a trigger for you to start arranging your import process.
For this reason we aim to deliver accurate pre-arrival notifications within 24 hours of the shipments arrival, 100% of the time.
Dispute Resolution - Invoice dispute turn time
In every business relationship where account payables are involved, invoice disputes are bound to happen from time to time. Acknowledging that this happens isn’t enough if you are expected to continue running your business efficiently.
To address this, when an invoice is determined incorrect you require it turned around quickly and accurately. We will endeavour to meet this need by turning around disputed invoices in seven days or less.
Dispute resolution aspirations will continually be revaluated as the customer experience improves, one day at a time.
Documentation - Customer Felt Accuracy
A perfect plan poorly executed will fail. You don’t plan for your shipping line to be the bottle neck in your supply chain, and you shouldn’t have to. The importance of accurate, timely documentation cannot, and should not be overlooked.
Stories of customers having to deal with unforeseen administration work, blocked shipments by customs authorities or halts to entire supply chains don’t make for pleasant reading. This adds up to a lot of cost, all of it unplanned.
As an integral part of your supply chain, you should be able to rely on your shipping partner to ensure accurate and timely documentation. We will endeavour to ensure that documents are turned around with 95% accuracy within 8 working hours.
Invoicing - Invoicing Accuracy
Customer felt invoice quality is - and has been - the biggest issue in our customer experience for quite some time. It is often brought up in customer interactions and on many occasions proves a roadblock to discussing more value adding, development activities.
Each wrong invoice takes time and effort to correct. With 12% of ocean freight invoices inaccurate this is a lot of inefficiency creeping into the customer experience.
By the end of 2013, our aspiration is to raise the customer felt invoice quality for our ocean freight invoices by roughly 4% points to 92%.
- Customer felt turn time
When you make a booking with your shipping partner, what you expect is for that booking, and all associated particulars, to be confirmed. We agree.
As such our aspiration is that when booking with Maersk Line, not only will your booking details be confirmed, this confirmation will also provide equipment and vessel space* for you to proceed with your logistics planning.
In 2013, for standard dry and reefer shipments we aim to confirm all bookings within two hours.
Accessibility - Calls answered within 30 seconds
When you make a booking with your shipping partner, what you expect is for that booking, and all associated particulars, to be confirmed. We agree.
As such our aspiration is that when booking with Maersk Line, not only will your booking details be confirmed, this confirmation will also provide equipment and vessel space* for you to proceed with your logistics planning.
In 2013, for standard dry and reefer shipments we aim to confirm all bookings within two hours.
Documentation - Amendment Turn Time
Changes to shipment documentation are bound to happen from time to time but often these changes are of a time sensitive nature.
What we hear is that when this is the case (as it often is) the ability to handle amendments timely and accurately makes a real difference to the downstream points in your supply chain.
It is a sad story to hear when the slow speed of documentation amendments prevents critical downstream processes taking place. The last thing you need is other department managers on your back.
While today most amendments are handled within three hours, our ambition is to deliver amendments back to you within one hour.
Service RecoveryIssue Resolution Turn Time
Whether we like it or not, shipping cargo all over the world is not without its challenges. Weather, mechanical breakdowns and a number of unpredictable events can impact your supply chain.
Sometimes things go wrong and when they do, the last thing you want is to be left in the dark about it. It’s not only for planning purposes. It brings down your day: never mind the fact something has happened to your cargo, not knowing about it is sometimes even worse.
To ensure you don’t face this when shipping with Maersk Line you should be able to expect timely and consistent issue resolution, including fast information and support.
Our credentials here are not strong, but the aspiration to a 12-hour issue resolution turn time (cutting off 42 hours from our baseline global performance) aims to fix this.
Pre-arrival Notification
What we hear from import customers is that timely and accurate pre-arrival notifications can be extremely valuable in reducing local logistics administration and idle time. This could be time spent on phone calls, email correspondence and other types of manual communication relating to the import process.
As such, it is essential that pre-arrival notifications are both timely and accurate for they often serve as a trigger for you to start arranging your import process.
For this reason we aim to deliver accurate pre-arrival notifications within 24 hours of the shipments arrival, 100% of the time.
Dispute Resolution - Invoice dispute turn time
In every business relationship where account payables are involved, invoice disputes are bound to happen from time to time. Acknowledging that this happens isn’t enough if you are expected to continue running your business efficiently.
To address this, when an invoice is determined incorrect you require it turned around quickly and accurately. We will endeavour to meet this need by turning around disputed invoices in seven days or less.
Dispute resolution aspirations will continually be revaluated as the customer experience improves, one day at a time.
Documentation - Customer Felt Accuracy
A perfect plan poorly executed will fail. You don’t plan for your shipping line to be the bottle neck in your supply chain, and you shouldn’t have to. The importance of accurate, timely documentation cannot, and should not be overlooked.
Stories of customers having to deal with unforeseen administration work, blocked shipments by customs authorities or halts to entire supply chains don’t make for pleasant reading. This adds up to a lot of cost, all of it unplanned.
As an integral part of your supply chain, you should be able to rely on your shipping partner to ensure accurate and timely documentation. We will endeavour to ensure that documents are turned around with 95% accuracy within 8 working hours.
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