Site Notification
Document No.: SN00001
Subject : Commencement of Installation Works and Site Operations Description : Commencing 0001hrs Monday 01 December 2014 MTJV installation works commenced at Site. Accordingly:
1. The MTJV Implementation Unit is now located at the MTJV Site Office in the Purple Line compound adjacent to Station 09 Yaek Nonthaburi;
2. The Site Safety Plan and associated procedures are now in force and all personnel shall adhere to the requirements contained therein. However it must be noted that MTJV is unable to fully implement its access control procedures increasing the risk to our installation works due to unknown activities from Designated (Civil Works) contractors and therefore:
a. If conditions on site prevent the safe carrying out of Works the Work must cease and the matter reported using; and
b. All personnel shall comply with the requests of Designated Contractors including their Security and Safety personnel.
3. The MTJV On Call SE emergency number is now activated (0917708869 and listed in your ID Cards) and must be used for all Emergency Incidents.