In the French West Indies, chlordecone (CLD), an organochlorine pesticide, was applied in banana plantations
from 1972 to 1993. Our study was aimed at identifying the factors that determine soil CLD
contamination and that thus can describe the spatial distribution of this contamination.
For each of the 1045 plots analyzed for CLD, we collected spatial information on the physical environment
and agricultural activities. Then, we searched for determinants of soil contamination and used a
multiple regression model to predict the spatial distribution of CLD.
First, the results showed that the soil type had a strong impact. Andosols, with a high organic carbon
content (up to 100 g kg−1) and a high sorption capacity (Koc 20 000 L kg−1), had the highest CLD concentrations
and stocks. Nitisols had 10-fold lower sorption capacities. Second, the results showed a “farm
effect” on soil contamination, due to the more or less intensive application of inputs by farmers and to
the shorter or longer application times, depending on the banana land-use frequency. However, despite
these effects and given the weak accuracy of the usually available information on agricultural activities,
it remained difficult to predict the spatial distribution of CLD contamination by a multiple regression
In conclusion, this study highlighted the multifactorial nature of pollution. The main perspectives are
related to better assessments of agricultural activities using remote sensing strategies and designing
agricultural practices observatories focusing on pesticide use.