The nature of learning is changing significantly as more
and more technologies are assimilated into children’s lives.
For example, how learning happens (eg taking part in a
discussion with people from all over the world on Second
Life) and when it happens (eg listening to a podcast about
pollution while on the school bus home) are diversifying.
There are ever more opportunities by which children can
access, create and share content with others. Likewise,
the nature of teaching is changing, both in terms of
how teaching is undertaken and in how its benefits are
measured. For example, the way teachers and professors
engage with their students during class (eg using interactive
whiteboards and tablet PCs to make comments) and after
class (eg use of online assessment tools to provide feedback
and reports) is very different from the ‘chalk and talk’
model of the past. What will learning be like in 2020? Will
the exercise book and the report card of today even be
recognisable? Here, we touch first upon advances made in
technology-enhanced learning and, second on new forms of
assessment and feedback.
The nature of learning is changing significantly as more
and more technologies are assimilated into children’s lives.
For example, how learning happens (eg taking part in a
discussion with people from all over the world on Second
Life) and when it happens (eg listening to a podcast about
pollution while on the school bus home) are diversifying.
There are ever more opportunities by which children can
access, create and share content with others. Likewise,
the nature of teaching is changing, both in terms of
how teaching is undertaken and in how its benefits are
measured. For example, the way teachers and professors
engage with their students during class (eg using interactive
whiteboards and tablet PCs to make comments) and after
class (eg use of online assessment tools to provide feedback
and reports) is very different from the ‘chalk and talk’
model of the past. What will learning be like in 2020? Will
the exercise book and the report card of today even be
recognisable? Here, we touch first upon advances made in
technology-enhanced learning and, second on new forms of
assessment and feedback.
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