Furthermore, consumers believe that mobile
services can improve the shopping experience at
different stages of the consumer decision-making
process, more so at the need recognition and the
information search stages than the alternative
evaluation, the purchase or the post-purchase
stages. Future investigation is needed to find out
whether this is the case, and if so what might be
behind this pattern.
If marketers can successfully communicate the
benefits of being connected to consumers, they will
finally have a medium that will allow them to
connect with customers anytime and anyplace. The
effectiveness of various marketing efforts such as
promotions can be monitored more effectively with
the mobile platform. However, if marketers want to
increase the number of consumers that adapt
various mobile services and join mobile marketing
campaigns, it is important to understand what
consumers’ value, especially in the context of the
consumer decision-making process and shopping
behavior in general. If consumers believe that the
use of mobile services and engaging in mobile
marketing offer them significant benefits that