The orange cakes were developed containing sufficient inulin and oligofructoselinulin to obtain functional foods for which prebiotic claims could be made. A standard cake, without prebi- otics, was also developed (Table 1). The cakes were prepared under identical conditions. The total fructan content of the cakes with inulin and with oli- gofructoselinulin, were evaluated in triplicate by means of the enzymatic-colorimetric method (McCleary & Rossiter, 2004) using the FRUCTAN HK kit (Megazyme, Ireland), was 9.0 and 8.3 g/100 g, respectively. These values corresponded, respectively, to 5.4 and 5.0 g of fructans in a 60 g serving of cake, thus enabling prebiotic claims for both products Three commercial orange cakes were purchased in local market (Carrefour Comércio e Industria Ltda, Sao José do Rio Preto, Brazil) to compare the sensory acceptability to the developed cakes.