Comprehensive benefi ts package with a primary care focus
Because the Medical Welfare Scheme, Voluntary Health Card Scheme, CSMBS
and SSS all offered comprehensive benefi ts packages to their members, it was
agreed from the beginning that the UCS would also cover a comprehensive range
of essential health services. The package was almost identical to that of the SSS,
covering outpatient, inpatient and accident and emergency services; dental and
other high-cost care; and diagnostics, special investigations, medicines (no fewer
than are included in the National List of Essential Medicines) and medical supplies
Comprehensive benefi ts package with a primary care focusBecause the Medical Welfare Scheme, Voluntary Health Card Scheme, CSMBSand SSS all offered comprehensive benefi ts packages to their members, it wasagreed from the beginning that the UCS would also cover a comprehensive rangeof essential health services. The package was almost identical to that of the SSS,covering outpatient, inpatient and accident and emergency services; dental andother high-cost care; and diagnostics, special investigations, medicines (no fewerthan are included in the National List of Essential Medicines) and medical supplies
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