Strategic Management Accounting Practices in Palestinian Companies: Application of Contingency Theory Perspective
This study uses a quantitative methodology to explore the impact of contingency factors on use of strategic management accounting techniques (SMA), and combined impact of SMA Usage and contingency factors on organisational performance in a less developed country (LDC) context. The exploratory framework included two main dependent variables, namely SMA Usage and organisational performance. For the former, this study gauged the impact of perceived environmental uncertainty (competitive intensity and market turbulence), business strategy (prospector /defender), organisational structure (formalisation and decentralisation), organisational size and organisational technology on SMA Usage. For the latter, this study explored two dimensions of organisational performance (financial and non-financial) and how the conceptualised dimension(s) of organisational structure, SMA Usage, perceived environmental uncertainty and organisational strategy impact on performance. Data were collected from Palestinian large companies (cross sectors); was used to test the conceptualised framework. The analysis was based on 175 responses, representing a response rate of 43.75%. The SPSS package was used to confirm the reliability and validity of factors and also statistically estimated the association coefficients of the conceptualised relationships in the framework. The findings from this study suggest that the usage of SMA techniques is influenced by a
number of factors. These are perceived environmental uncertainty (Market Turbulence) and organisational technology. Also, larger organisations tend to use more SMA techniques than smaller.
There is also evidence from this study that suggests defender or prospector type strategy would influence the usage of strategic management accounting techniques. This study also suggests that SMA usage has a direct positive association with non-financial performance. Perceived Environmental Uncertainty (Competitive Intensity) has a positive influence on non-financial performance but not on financial performance. From the overall evidence it appears that large Palestinian companies give more importance to non-financial element of organisational performance. The conclusion to this study pinpointed the core empirical points from this research. This study underlines the central importance of SMA usage to achieving strategic goals and enhancing performance in organisations. To maximize strategic alignment however, organisations must ensure that the right steps are taken to manage the internal and external factors and achieve a fit. Essentially too, for this strategic alignment target, and the goal of improving performance, organisations must also bear in mind the national culture and Islamic Sharia regulations driven expectations.