Lentinus subnudus inoculated on crude oil contaminated
soil showed higher nutrient distribution of organic matter,
carbon and phosphorus compared to the control with
increase in crude oil concentration after 3 and 6 months.
This indicates that biodegradation has taken place. A
lower value of phosphorus and potassium was observed
with increase in crude oil concentration. Lehtomake and
Niemela (1973) reported a low value of nitrogen,
potassium, phosphorus reserves in petroleum
hydrocarbon contamination. From this study, a reduction
in nutrient contents of contaminated soils after
introduction of the white-rot fungi was observed at higher
levels of 10–20% crude oil concentration compared to
lower levels of contaminated oil. This is similar to the
findings of Calder and Lader (1976) who found that
toluene and phenol may stimulate growth at low
concentrations, but show bacteriocidal action at high
concentration and solubility of the crude oil components.
Leahy and Colwell (1990) also reported that very high
concentrations of hydrocarbon will inhibit biodegradation
by nutrient or oxygen limitation.
Leahy and Colwell (1990) stated that pH is a
predominant factor in determining biodegradation in soil.
in this work the pH of contaminated soils reduced after
the introduction of the white-rot fungi from 6.90 to 6.62
and finally to 6.25 after 3 and 6 months of incubation,
respectively. Dibble and Bartha (1979) found that the pH
range of 5.0 to 7.8 favoured the degradation of oily
sludge in the soil.
The present study revealed that the total petroleum
hydrocarbon values were higher on contaminated soils
compared to the control suggesting the presence of more
petroleum hydrocarbon. Odu (1978) reported similar
effect in soil in mangrove and rain forest soils polluted
with crude oil. the best rate of biodegradation of crude
oil by L. subnudus was after 3 months is similar to the
findings of Odu (1972) who reported that incubation for
biodegradation takes several months. A decrease in
TPH was recorded from 3 to 6 months and this agrees
with the observation of Sorkoh et al. (1997).
Lentinus subnudus inoculated on crude oil contaminatedsoil showed higher nutrient distribution of organic matter,carbon and phosphorus compared to the control withincrease in crude oil concentration after 3 and 6 months.This indicates that biodegradation has taken place. Alower value of phosphorus and potassium was observedwith increase in crude oil concentration. Lehtomake andNiemela (1973) reported a low value of nitrogen,potassium, phosphorus reserves in petroleumhydrocarbon contamination. From this study, a reductionin nutrient contents of contaminated soils afterintroduction of the white-rot fungi was observed at higherlevels of 10–20% crude oil concentration compared tolower levels of contaminated oil. This is similar to thefindings of Calder and Lader (1976) who found thattoluene and phenol may stimulate growth at lowconcentrations, but show bacteriocidal action at highconcentration and solubility of the crude oil components.Leahy and Colwell (1990) also reported that very highconcentrations of hydrocarbon will inhibit biodegradationby nutrient or oxygen limitation.Leahy and Colwell (1990) stated that pH is apredominant factor in determining biodegradation in soil.in this work the pH of contaminated soils reduced afterthe introduction of the white-rot fungi from 6.90 to 6.62and finally to 6.25 after 3 and 6 months of incubation,respectively. Dibble and Bartha (1979) found that the pHช่วง 5.0-7.8 favoured ลดประสิทธิภาพของมันตะกอนในดินเปิดเผยการศึกษาปัจจุบันที่น้ำมันรวมไฮโดรคาร์บอนค่าสูงกว่าในดินเนื้อปูนปนเปื้อนเมื่อเทียบกับตัวควบคุมที่แนะนำก็เพิ่มเติมปิโตรเลียมไฮโดรคาร์บอน Odu (1978) รายงานเหมือนกันลักษณะดินในป่าชายเลนและป่าฝนดินเนื้อปูนเสียกับน้ำมันดิบ อัตรา biodegradation ดิบดีที่สุดน้ำมัน โดย L. subnudus ได้หลังจาก 3 เดือนกับการผลการวิจัยของ Odu (1972) ที่รายงานว่า คณะทันตแพทยศาสตร์สำหรับbiodegradation ใช้เวลาหลายเดือน ลดลงนี้ตกลง และ TPH บันทึกจาก 3 ถึง 6 เดือนกับการสังเกตของ Sorkoh et al. (1997)
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..

Lentinus subnudus inoculated on crude oil contaminated
soil showed higher nutrient distribution of organic matter,
carbon and phosphorus compared to the control with
increase in crude oil concentration after 3 and 6 months.
This indicates that biodegradation has taken place. A
lower value of phosphorus and potassium was observed
with increase in crude oil concentration. Lehtomake and
Niemela (1973) reported a low value of nitrogen,
potassium, phosphorus reserves in petroleum
hydrocarbon contamination. From this study, a reduction
in nutrient contents of contaminated soils after
introduction of the white-rot fungi was observed at higher
levels of 10–20% crude oil concentration compared to
lower levels of contaminated oil. This is similar to the
findings of Calder and Lader (1976) who found that
toluene and phenol may stimulate growth at low
concentrations, but show bacteriocidal action at high
concentration and solubility of the crude oil components.
Leahy and Colwell (1990) also reported that very high
concentrations of hydrocarbon will inhibit biodegradation
by nutrient or oxygen limitation.
Leahy and Colwell (1990) stated that pH is a
predominant factor in determining biodegradation in soil.
in this work the pH of contaminated soils reduced after
the introduction of the white-rot fungi from 6.90 to 6.62
and finally to 6.25 after 3 and 6 months of incubation,
respectively. Dibble and Bartha (1979) found that the pH
range of 5.0 to 7.8 favoured the degradation of oily
sludge in the soil.
The present study revealed that the total petroleum
hydrocarbon values were higher on contaminated soils
compared to the control suggesting the presence of more
petroleum hydrocarbon. Odu (1978) reported similar
effect in soil in mangrove and rain forest soils polluted
with crude oil. the best rate of biodegradation of crude
oil by L. subnudus was after 3 months is similar to the
findings of Odu (1972) who reported that incubation for
biodegradation takes several months. A decrease in
TPH was recorded from 3 to 6 months and this agrees
with the observation of Sorkoh et al. (1997).
การแปล กรุณารอสักครู่..