This paper presents an efficient algorithm which helps the organization of spatial data and use some
optimized technique to retrieve data from intelligent system. Further, based on this buffering technique
the retrieval of data in distributed spatial database will be more efficient. In this technique once optimal
execution plan is selected for a query then there is no need to create any execution plan for similar query
in future. So when this proposed model will be applied in the distributed spatial database, then the people
can access the spatial data all over the network at an affordable cost. The proposed algorithm has some
limitations in replication of index will waste plenty of storage space when the spatial dataset is huge. In
addition, it would be worse than the serial algorithm when spatial query failed to find any spatial object
which satisfied the query requirements. In future our focus will be the implementation of the system along
with load balancing. These problems mention above need us to research deeply in future. In the
conclusion a clam can be made the proposed algorithm is efficient enough in comparison to other existing
intelligent query optimizer for distributed spatial database. This will have tremendous impact on
automatic database tuning and other query optimization processes. The more experiments in future may
substantiate this clam.