were communication problems, handoffs were timeconsuming,
and many staff members reported feeling
uninvolved and unappreciated. Therefore, the
staff and leadership were open to participating in an
innovative project thatwould help themtransformthe
way they worked. We ended up not only improving
communication, but also creating a new unit that is
centered on the TCAB philosophy.
The standard practice for giving change of shift
reports was for the off-going nurses to audiotape
reports about every patient on the unit, which all
on-coming patient-care personnel listened to together
in a conference room. The report generally took
between 30 and 40 minutes. Staff members proposed
moving the shift report to the bedside to save time,
were communication problems, handoffs were timeconsuming,and many staff members reported feelinguninvolved and unappreciated. Therefore, thestaff and leadership were open to participating in aninnovative project thatwould help themtransformtheway they worked. We ended up not only improvingcommunication, but also creating a new unit that iscentered on the TCAB philosophy.CHANGE OF SHIFT REPORTThe standard practice for giving change of shiftreports was for the off-going nurses to audiotapereports about every patient on the unit, which allon-coming patient-care personnel listened to togetherin a conference room. The report generally tookbetween 30 and 40 minutes. Staff members proposedmoving the shift report to the bedside to save time,
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