It doesn’t matter whether one considers 0 a multiple of 2 or 3 because it is either a multiple of neither or of both. In both cases, W 0. For the next row, 1 is not a multiple of either 2 or 3; thus, W 0. For the next three rows W 1 because 2 and 4 are multiples of 2, but not 3, and 3 is a multiple of 3, but not 2. Both 5 and 7 are multiples of neither and 6 is a multiple of both; thus, for the next three rows, W 0. Then, 8, 10, and 14 are multiples of only 2; 9 and 15 are multiples of only 3; all of these produce an output of 1. The others produce an output of 0 (12 is a multiple of both 2 and 3).