Within the meaning of loyalty, humility is to be loyal - yoga practice will bring life to life the fate immediately. Freedom from anxiety and being divine blessing. Disengagement is important In general, new followers to see God. It does not matter if it's too rough. To be selfless servants Develop a mission life of the objects to life heavenly. We make sense of innocence. When the senses are pure to serve God, to serve unquestioningly dedicated and enthusiastic service to God. We can live with the knowledge of eternal happiness and joy. In love with his childhood love given to parents. Later, love of relatives When growing up, love, family, community, national, respectively, despite loving all human society. But love is also unpleasant. Until we know who is the most intriguing. I relied immeasurably pleased with joy when I gave it to God. It will spread out like a wave of light. The love of God is a very easy and natural. Like watering the root of a tree. Pouring water to be sent up and sent around the tree. "Nectar of selfless dedication," the only thing that will make everything brighter anywhere immediately. Those who not know how this is fail to what matters most in life.