Rayong has been dubbed as the city of poet protagonist of Rattanakosin Because the story of Phra APAI Mani scene of sunthorn thats small and large islands and the beautiful sea Thus, in Rayong became a city with many tourist attractions of historical sources And natural attractions of the country following.
Rayong occurred in the reign of King Taksin the great Waad goes that King Taksin led elephants bound under satue. When he came to collect a through Rayong, soldiers and armies to prepare the Liberator at chanthaburi Rayong is therefore created the Court of King Taksin the great up Inside the shrine, there is a statue of King Taksin the great Buddha statue This shrine is a sacred place to respect and pay homage to the Which is just the way the mind of Rayong and residents near the remote always.
Apart from this,Rayong is also has an important natural attractions is the Koh Samet or the grotesque glass island In literature, the story of Phra APAI Mani sunthorn a tourist attraction of Rayong That has been. The popularity of both from Thailand and foreign nationals There is a triangular island characteristics. There are Plains along the coast beach Why has the name Koh samet because this white and red of the Samet The present very high earning potential, Koh samet , Rayong with.
Rayong in today, it is a popular destination Thailand tourists, and foreigners There is a demand for convenience, fun, but still want to experience pure nature and is simultaneously Rayong is a city with attractions that everyone should not be missed.