Treatments and outcome
Of the 26 patients with septic perianal conditions, only
15 patients had urgent surgical intervention. All of the 12 patients with the diagnosis of an abscess were taken to theater
for surgical drainage. One of the four patients with an
anal fistula underwent fistulotomy and the others were
treated conservatively because the fistulas were adequately
drained. The patient with NF had a wide excision of all necrotic
tissue and required frequent debridement. All the 9
patients with perianal inflammation had conservative treatment,
except for 1 who EUA and debridement of necrotic
Out of the 101 patients in this series, 8 patients died.
Seven of those patients had no septic perianal condition
and died from other causes. The other patient who died
had an anal fistula. So the mortality rate of septic perianal
conditions is 3.8%. All the 15 patients who had surgical intervention
improved and were discharged home, including
the patient with the NF.