Article 1. (Purpose)
The purpose of the Terms of Use for Naver is to define the rights, obligations, responsibilities, and other necessary matters between Naver Corporation (the "Company") and the Member regarding the use of Naver service and other related services (the "Service") provided by the Company.
Article 2. (Definitions)
The definitions of the terminology used in the Terms of Use are as follows:
① "Service" refers to all services relating to Naver which "Members" can use by means of PC, TV, portable device, regardless of any device used for accessing the Service.
② "Member" refers to a customer who logs into the Service of the Company, signs an agreement for use with the Company in accordance with this Terms of Use, and uses the Service provided by the Company;
③ "ID" refers to a combination of letters and numbers set by the Member and authorized by the Company for the purpose of identifying the Member and using the Service;
④ "Password" refers to a combination of letters or numbers set by the Member himself/herself in order to protect confidentiality and to identify whether the Member matches with the given ID;
⑤ "Paid Service" refers to the various types of online digital content (including all kinds of contents, VOD, items and paid items) and related services that the Company provides for a charge;
⑥ "Point" refers to virtual currency with no monetary value which the Company may arbitrarily determine, provide or control for "Service"
⑦ "Posting" refers to signs, voices, sounds, videos, posts, images, files, and links that the Member posts on the Service while using the Service.
Article 3. (Posting and Amending the Terms of Use)
① The Company shall post the Terms of Use on the front page of the Service so that the Member can easily access the content.
② The Company may amend the Terms of Use within the scope of not violating relevant laws, such as the "Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act" and the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." (hereinafter, the "Information and Communications Network Act").
③ When the Company amends the Terms of Use, it shall post a public notice with clear statement of the application date and the reason of amendment as well as the current Terms of Use from thirty (30) days prior to the application to the day before the application in a way set forth in Clause 1. However, if the amendment is unfavorable to the Member, the Company shall use other electronic means, such as emails, memos, a consent pop-up upon log-in for a certain time period other than just putting a public notice, to clearly notify him/her of the modification.
④ Notwithstanding the clear statement of the Company, when it gives a notification pursuant to the previous Clause, that the Member would be deemed to have agreed with the amended Terms of Use if he/she does not express any opinion within thirty (30) days, if the Member does not show any disagreement explicitly, the Member shall be deemed to have agreed with the amended version of Terms of Use.
⑤ When the Member does not agree to the amended Terms of Use, the Company shall not apply the amended provisions, and the Member may terminate the agreement for use. However, if the original Terms of Use cannot be applied due to specific reasons, the Company may terminate the agreement for use.
Article 4. (Interpretation of the Terms of Use)
① The Company may have separate Terms of Use and operation policies ("Terms of Use for Paid Service") for paid Service and individual Services, and if Other Terms of Use conflict with the content hereof, Terms of Use for Paid Service prevails.
② Any matters or interpretations not provided herein shall be handled in accordance with "Terms of Use for Paid Service," relevant laws and legislations, or the commercial customs.
Article 5. (Entering into the Agreement for Use)
① 1. The agreement for use shall be entered into after the person who wishes to become the Member (the "Applicant") agrees to the Terms of Use, and applies for a membership, and the Company approves the application.
② 2. In principle, the Company shall grant the Applicant the right to use the Service. However, the Company may disallow the Applicant from using the Service, or may terminate the agreement for use afterwards in the following cases where:
1. The Applicant had lost his/her membership pursuant to this Terms of Use; provided that it shall not apply in case that the Company allows re-registration;
2. The Applicant used other person’s name or a name other than his/her real name;
3. The Applicant entered false information, or did not enter the information requested by the Company;
4. The Applicant under the age of fourteen (14) did not get the approval from his/her legal representative (parents, etc.);"
5. An approval is impossible due to the user’s liability, or the Applicant applies for a membership while violating other related regulations
③ Regarding the application for membership, the Company may request an authorization for identification through the competent organization in accordance with the types of Members.
④ The Company may delay the approval when the Service-related facilities are not enough, or there are technical or business issues.
⑤ In principle, the Company shall give a notification to the Applicant when it does not approve the membership application or delay the approval in accordance with Clause 2 and 4.
⑥ The agreement for use shall be entered into at the time when the Company displays "Membership Complete" in the application process.
⑦ The Company may categorize Members by grade pursuant to the Company policies, and give differential treatment to the Members in using the Service by segmenting the hours and frequency of use, and the Service menus.
⑧ The Company may impose restrictions on Members to comply with the standard for a grade and age in accordance with "Movie and Video Promotion Act" and "Juvenile Protection Act"
Article 6. (Changes to Member’s Information)
① The Member may access and modify his/her personal information anytime through the personal information management page. However, it is impossible to revise a real name, ID number, IDs that are necessary for the Service management.
② The Member shall notify the Company of the change by modifying the information online or by emailing to the Company, when his/her registered information has been changed.
③ The Company shall take no responsibility for the disadvantages that might occur as a result of the Member not informing the Company of the change described in Clause 2.
Article 7. (Obligations to Protect Personal Information)
The Company shall make efforts to protect "personal information" of the Member in accordance with the relevant laws, including the "Information and Communications Network Act." Regarding the protection and use of "personal information" the privacy policy of the Company and relevant laws shall be applied. However, the privacy policy of the Company shall not be applied to linked websites, other than to the official websites of the Company.
Article 8. (Obligations to manage Member’s ID and Password)
① The Member shall be responsible for managing his/her ID and Password, and a third-party shall be disallowed to use the ID and Password.
② The Company may restrict the use of ID, if the Member’s ID is against the traditional custom, antisocial, vulnerable to personal information leakage or confused with the Company or the Company’s operator.
③ The Member shall immediately notify the Company of the theft and follow the Company’s guide when he/she recognizes that his/her ID and Password have been stolen, or used by a third party.
④ In the case of Clause 3, the Company shall not be responsible for the disadvantages that might occur as a result of the Member not notifying the Company of the fact, or the Member not following the Company’s guide even if he/she notified the Company.
Article 9. (Notification to Member)
① When the Company sends a notification to the Member, unless described otherwise herein, the Company may send it to the email address , or through electronic memos or notes within the Service.
② When giving notifications to all the Members, the Company may replace the notification described in Clause 1 by putting a post on the Company’s bulletin board for more than seven (7) days.
Article 10. (Obligation of the Company)
① The Company shall not conduct a behavior that violates relevant laws, the Terms of Use, or the traditional custom, and shall make utmost efforts to provide the Service consistently and stably.
② The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that the Member can safely use the Service, and the Company shall publicly announce and abide by the privacy policy.
③ When the Company acknowledges that the opinions or complaints from the Member with respect to the use of the Service are justified, the Company shall handle them. As for the opinions or complaints from the Member, the Company shall inform the Member of the handling process and results through the bulletin board or by email.
Article 11. (Obligation of Members)
① 1. The Member shall be prevented from doing the followings such as:
1. Registering false information when applying for a membership or modifying information;
2. Stealing other person’s information;
3. Changing the information posted in the Company;
4. Transmitting or posting information (such as, computer programs) other than the information designated by the Company;
5. Infringing on intellectual property rights including copyrights of the Company and a third party;
6. Damaging the reputation of the
บทความที่ 1 (วัตถุประสงค์)วัตถุประสงค์ของการเงื่อนไขของใช้เมื่อจะกำหนดสิทธิ ภาระหน้าที่ ความรับผิดชอบ และเรื่องอื่น ๆ ที่จำเป็นระหว่างสมาชิกเกี่ยวกับการใช้บริการเมื่อและอื่น ๆ ที่เกี่ยวข้องกับบริการ ("บริการ") โดยบริษัทและเมื่อ บริษัท ("บริษัท")บทความที่ 2 (นิยาม)คำนิยามของคำศัพท์ที่ใช้ในเงื่อนไขการใช้มีดังนี้: ① "บริการ" หมายถึงบริการทั้งหมดที่เกี่ยวข้องกับเมื่อ "สมาชิก" สามารถใช้จากเครื่องคอมพิวเตอร์ ทีวี อุปกรณ์พกพา ว่าอุปกรณ์ใด ๆ ที่ใช้สำหรับการเข้าถึงบริการ ② "สมาชิก" หมายถึงลูกค้า ที่ล็อกการเข้าใช้บริการของบริษัท การลงทะเบียนข้อตกลงสำหรับใช้กับตามนี้เงื่อนไขของการใช้ ใช้บริการจากบริษัท ③ "ID" หมายถึงชุดของตัวอักษร และตัวเลขโดยสมาชิก และได้รับอนุญาตจากบริษัทเพื่อระบุสมาชิก และใช้บริการ ④ "รหัสผ่าน" หมายถึงชุดของตัวอักษรหรือตัวเลขที่กำหนด โดยสมาชิกเอง เพื่อปกป้องความลับ และ การระบุว่าสมาชิกตรงกับรหัสที่กำหนด ⑤ "จ่าย" หมายถึงชนิดต่าง ๆ ของเนื้อหาดิจิทัลออนไลน์ที่ (รวมทั้งเนื้อหา ถ้าถึงวันนั้น และชำระเงินสินค้าทุกชนิด) และที่เกี่ยวข้องกับบริการที่บริษัทให้ค่า ⑥ "จุด" หมายถึงสกุลเงินเสมือนกับค่าเงิน ที่บริษัทโดยกำหนด ให้ควบคุม "บริการ" ⑦ "Posting" refers to signs, voices, sounds, videos, posts, images, files, and links that the Member posts on the Service while using the Service.Article 3. (Posting and Amending the Terms of Use) ① The Company shall post the Terms of Use on the front page of the Service so that the Member can easily access the content. ② The Company may amend the Terms of Use within the scope of not violating relevant laws, such as the "Regulation of Standardized Contracts Act" and the "Act on Promotion of Information and Communications Network Utilization and Information Protection, etc." (hereinafter, the "Information and Communications Network Act"). ③ When the Company amends the Terms of Use, it shall post a public notice with clear statement of the application date and the reason of amendment as well as the current Terms of Use from thirty (30) days prior to the application to the day before the application in a way set forth in Clause 1. However, if the amendment is unfavorable to the Member, the Company shall use other electronic means, such as emails, memos, a consent pop-up upon log-in for a certain time period other than just putting a public notice, to clearly notify him/her of the modification. ④ประกาศงบชัดเจนของบริษัท เมื่อให้การแจ้งเตือนตามส่วนคำสั่งก่อนหน้านี้ ว่า สมาชิกจะถือว่าได้ตกลงกับเงื่อนไขแก้ไขใช้ถ้าเขาไม่แสดงความเห็นใด ๆ ภายในสามสิบ (30) วัน ถ้าสมาชิกไม่แสดงใด ๆ กันอย่างชัดเจน สมาชิกจะถือว่าได้ตกลงกับรุ่นแก้ไขเงื่อนไขการใช้ ⑤เมื่อสมาชิกไม่ยอมรับการแก้ไขเงื่อนไขของการใช้ บริษัทจะไม่นำบทบัญญัติที่แก้ไข และสมาชิกสามารถยุติข้อตกลงสำหรับใช้ อย่างไรก็ตาม ถ้าไม่สามารถใช้เดิมเงื่อนไขของการใช้เนื่องจากสาเหตุเฉพาะ บริษัทสามารถยุติข้อตกลงสำหรับใช้บทความที่ 4 (ตีความเงื่อนไขการใช้งาน) ①บริษัทอาจแยกเงื่อนไขการใช้งานและนโยบายการดำเนินงาน ("เงื่อนไขการใช้บริการการชำระเงิน") สำหรับบริการชำระเงินและบริการแต่ละ และถ้าเงื่อนไขอื่น ๆ ใช้ขัดแย้งกับเนื้อหา hereof แสดงเงื่อนไขการใช้บริการชำระเงิน ②จะจัดการเรื่องใด ๆ หรือตีความไม่มีซึ่งตาม "ข้อตกลงการใช้สำหรับชำระบริการ กฎหมายที่เกี่ยวข้องและ legislations หรือประเพณีทางการค้าบทความ 5 (การเข้าทำข้อตกลงสำหรับการใช้งาน) ① 1 ข้อตกลงสำหรับการใช้ต้องป้อนเข้าไปในหลังจากบุคคลที่ประสงค์จะเป็น สมาชิก ("ผู้สมัคร") ตกลงไปเงื่อนไขของการใช้ และใช้สำหรับเป็นสมาชิก และบริษัทอนุมัติแอพลิเคชัน ② 2. In principle, the Company shall grant the Applicant the right to use the Service. However, the Company may disallow the Applicant from using the Service, or may terminate the agreement for use afterwards in the following cases where: 1. The Applicant had lost his/her membership pursuant to this Terms of Use; provided that it shall not apply in case that the Company allows re-registration; 2. The Applicant used other person’s name or a name other than his/her real name; 3. The Applicant entered false information, or did not enter the information requested by the Company; 4. The Applicant under the age of fourteen (14) did not get the approval from his/her legal representative (parents, etc.);" 5. An approval is impossible due to the user’s liability, or the Applicant applies for a membership while violating other related regulations ③ Regarding the application for membership, the Company may request an authorization for identification through the competent organization in accordance with the types of Members. ④ The Company may delay the approval when the Service-related facilities are not enough, or there are technical or business issues. ⑤ In principle, the Company shall give a notification to the Applicant when it does not approve the membership application or delay the approval in accordance with Clause 2 and 4. ⑥ The agreement for use shall be entered into at the time when the Company displays "Membership Complete" in the application process. ⑦ The Company may categorize Members by grade pursuant to the Company policies, and give differential treatment to the Members in using the Service by segmenting the hours and frequency of use, and the Service menus. ⑧ The Company may impose restrictions on Members to comply with the standard for a grade and age in accordance with "Movie and Video Promotion Act" and "Juvenile Protection Act"Article 6. (Changes to Member’s Information) ① The Member may access and modify his/her personal information anytime through the personal information management page. However, it is impossible to revise a real name, ID number, IDs that are necessary for the Service management. ② The Member shall notify the Company of the change by modifying the information online or by emailing to the Company, when his/her registered information has been changed. ③ The Company shall take no responsibility for the disadvantages that might occur as a result of the Member not informing the Company of the change described in Clause 2.Article 7. (Obligations to Protect Personal Information)The Company shall make efforts to protect "personal information" of the Member in accordance with the relevant laws, including the "Information and Communications Network Act." Regarding the protection and use of "personal information" the privacy policy of the Company and relevant laws shall be applied. However, the privacy policy of the Company shall not be applied to linked websites, other than to the official websites of the Company.Article 8. (Obligations to manage Member’s ID and Password) ① The Member shall be responsible for managing his/her ID and Password, and a third-party shall be disallowed to use the ID and Password. ② The Company may restrict the use of ID, if the Member’s ID is against the traditional custom, antisocial, vulnerable to personal information leakage or confused with the Company or the Company’s operator. ③ The Member shall immediately notify the Company of the theft and follow the Company’s guide when he/she recognizes that his/her ID and Password have been stolen, or used by a third party. ④ In the case of Clause 3, the Company shall not be responsible for the disadvantages that might occur as a result of the Member not notifying the Company of the fact, or the Member not following the Company’s guide even if he/she notified the Company.Article 9. (Notification to Member) ① When the Company sends a notification to the Member, unless described otherwise herein, the Company may send it to the email address , or through electronic memos or notes within the Service. ② When giving notifications to all the Members, the Company may replace the notification described in Clause 1 by putting a post on the Company’s bulletin board for more than seven (7) days.Article 10. (Obligation of the Company) ① The Company shall not conduct a behavior that violates relevant laws, the Terms of Use, or the traditional custom, and shall make utmost efforts to provide the Service consistently and stably. ② The Company shall have a security system to protect personal information (including credit information) so that the Member can safely use the Service, and the Company shall publicly announce and abide by the privacy policy. ③ When the Company acknowledges that the opinions or complaints from the Member with respect to the use of the Service are justified, the Company shall handle them. As for the opinions or complaints from the Member, the Company shall inform the Member of the handling process and results through the bulletin board or by email.Article 11. (Obligation of Members) ① 1. The Member shall be prevented from doing the followings such as: 1. Registering false information when applying for a membership or modifying information; 2. Stealing other person’s information; 3. Changing the information posted in the Company; 4. Transmitting or posting information (such as, computer programs) other than the information designated by the Company; 5. Infringing on intellectual property rights including copyrights of the Company and a third party; 6. Damaging the reputation of the
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